Privacy Notice

Our Promise to You

This privacy notice describes how the Signature App application gathers, uses, and protects any information you provide while using the app. Signature App is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. If we ask for certain personal information while you use this app, it will only be used in accordance with this privacy notice.

Your privacy is important to us. Our products and services are designed with privacy in mind, involving experts from various fields to ensure every decision respects your privacy.

We aim for transparency in processing your data, hence our Privacy Notice is written in simple language to encourage understanding of our privacy practices.

We work diligently to keep your information secure, with dedicated teams constantly updating security practices to enhance the safety of your data.

1. Overview

Welcome to Signature App’s Privacy Notice. We value your trust and aim to maintain it by ensuring you understand the information we collect, why we collect it, how it’s used, your choices, and what other Signature App users can see.

2. Information We Collect

To provide you with the best user experience, we need certain information about you. Here, we explain the types of information you provide us:

Data You Provide

When using our services, you may choose to provide us with certain information, such as:

Data Collected During Service Use

When you use our services, we gather data on features used, how they're used, and the devices utilized. See below for details:

Usage Information: Certain non-personal information is automatically collected from users, assigning a unique identifier to each user without linking it to personal information.

Device Information: Details about the device(s) used to access our services, including hardware/software details, device ID, settings, app version, and more.

3. How We Use Information

We use your information to deliver and improve our services, ensure your safety, and communicate with you. Here’s how:

To Manage Your Account and Provide Services

To Enhance and Develop Services

To Prevent Fraud and Ensure Legal Compliance

4. How We Share Information

We aim to provide the best services and share your information as follows:

With Service Providers and Partners

We use non-personal information for targeted online marketing. We do not log or store personal information and generally do not share data with law enforcement.

When Required by Law

We may disclose your information to comply with legal processes, protect rights, and enforce agreements or policies.

To Enforce Legal Rights

We may share information to protect legal rights and investigate illegal activities.

5. Cross-Border Data Transfers

Transferring information across borders may occur, subject to differing laws and rules. We use standard contractual clauses or suitable safeguards to ensure data transfers comply with regulations.

6. Device Permissions

Mobile platforms have permission systems for specific device data and notifications. You can adjust settings on your device accordingly, although this may affect service functionality.

7. Uninstall

You can stop information collection by uninstalling the app, but your device's unique identifier may still be stored.

8. How We Protect Your Information

We adhere to accepted standards to protect personal information during transmission and after receipt. We continuously monitor systems for vulnerabilities and update security measures.

If you suspect a security breach, please notify us immediately at [email protected].

9. How Long We Retain Your Information

We retain your information as necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy or to comply with legal requirements.

10. Children's Privacy

Our services are intended for audiences over 13 years old (or 16 in the EEA). We do not knowingly collect information from children under these ages.

11. Privacy Policy Changes

As we update our services, this policy may change. Please check regularly for updates.

12. How to Contact Us

If you have questions regarding the service or need to send a notice under these terms, contact us at [email protected].